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ARSENAL MIKEBE | a modern percussion ensemble FROM UGANDA @M/Darbnīca
ARSENAL MIKEBE | a modern percussion ensemble FROM UGANDA @M/Darbnīca

Thu, May 11



ARSENAL MIKEBE | a modern percussion ensemble FROM UGANDA @M/Darbnīca

Arsenal are a cutting edge percussion ensemble living on the outskirts of Kampala. Having developed a heavy body style of drumming interspersed with soul vocals & jungle infused trance, this is the industrial organic rhythm machine dressed in sexy Armani.

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Time & Location

May 11, 2023, 9:00 PM

Rīga, Aristida Briāna iela 9, Centra rajons, Rīga, LV-1001, Latvia

About the Event

Arsenal ir moderns perkusiju ansamblis, kas dzīvo Kampalas nomalē. Izstrādājuši smagnēju bungu spēlēšanas stilu, kas mijas ar soul vokālu un džungļu piesātinātu transu, šī ir industriāla organiska ritma grupa, kas tērpusies seksīgā Armani. Arsenal dibinātājs ir Jonathan Uliel Saldanha (HHY), un tā sastāvā ir perkusionisti Ssentongo Moses, Dratele Epiphany un Luyambi Vincent de Paul. Viņi paši ir tradicionālie bundzinieki, un viņu pielāgoto perkusiju sistēmu izveidoja Henrijs Segamvenge (Henry Segamwenge). Perkusiju sistēmu, kas daļēji veidota no metāla zvaniņiem, izveidoja amatnieks Henrijs Segamvengs, un tā veido ansambļa skanējuma kodolu, līdzīgi 808 kravas kulta ierīcei, kas vienlaikus skan gan ļoti elektroniski, gan akustiski. Apvienotais ritmiskais blīvums, hipnotiskie groovi un infekciozās balsis ir sakombinētas skaniskā izlādē, kas vērsta uz ķermeni.

*Biļetes: Vairāk informācijas:

| ENG |

Arsenal are a cutting edge percussion ensemble living on the outskirts of Kampala. Having developed a heavy body style of drumming interspersed with soul vocals & jungle infused trance, this is the industrial organic rhythm machine dressed in sexy Armani. Arsenal was founded by Jonathan Uliel Saldanha (HHY) and is comprised of percussionists Ssentongo Moses, Dratele Epiphany and Luyambi Vincent de Paul. Traditional drummers in their own right, their custom percussion system was created by Henry Segamwenge. The percussive system made partially of metal bells was built by craftsman Henry Segamweng and form the core of the ensemble sound, like an 808 cargo cult device, sounding both highly electronic & acoustic at the same time. The combined rhythmic density, hypnotic grooves and infectious voices are coaxed into a sonic discharge directed at the body.

*Tickets: More info:

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