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ceturtd., 25. aug.



Pit Dahm (Luxemburga) CONCERT @M/Darbnīca

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Time & Location

2022. g. 25. aug. 12:00

Rīga, Aristida Briāna iela 9, Centra rajons, Rīga, LV-1001, Latvia

About the Event


After ‘’Riga Last Thursday’’ exhibition opening the night will be continued with a Pit Dahm concert at 12 AM.

Pit Dahm, drummer, multi-instrumentalist and composer from Luxembourg, has done extensive touring with his Band consisting of the trio with Charley Rose on the saxophone and Lennart Heyndels on the bass. Pit Dahm music is searching for the fresh input of the different musicians and trying to create a sincere musical reproduction of feelings and thoughts is what the band is characterized by.


Pēc ‘’Riga Last Thursday’’izstādes atklāšanas vakars turpināsies ar Pit Dahm koncertu, kas norisināsies 00:00.

Pit Dahm ir bundzinieks, multiinstrumentālists un komponists no Luksemburgas, regulāri veic plašu tūri kopā ar savu grupu, ko veido trio ar Charley Rose (saksofons), Lennart Heyndels ( bass ). Pit Dahm orģinālmūzikai rakstūrīgas ir dažādu mūziķu reprodukcijas mijiedarbību, variējot un radot patiesu jūtu un domu atveidi.

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