Thu, Jun 08
Make Like A Tree is the quintessence of travels expressed in music and photography created by Sergey Onischenko - an artist from Ukraine who is touring around the world and spreading his indie-folk tunes.
Time & Location
Jun 08, 2023, 9:00 PM
Rīga, Aristida Briāna iela 9, Centra rajons, Rīga, LV-1001, Latvia
About the Event
"Make Like A Tree" ir ceļojumu kvintesence, ko mūzikā un fotogrāfijā radījis Sergejs Oniščenko - mākslinieks no Ukrainas, kurš ceļo pa pasauli un izpilda savas indie-folka melodijas ar nonkonformisma un Beat Generation ideju piegaršu, vienlaikus izstādot arī minimālistiskas ainavu fotogrāfijas, kas uzņemtas visdažādākajās vietās, kur viņu aizved ceļojumi. Make Like A Tree skaņu ainavas aizvedīs jūs uz dabas iekšējo pasauli, uz mežu, kalniem un vaļu dziesmām okeāna dibenā.
Youtube: https://www.Youtube.Com/makelikeatree Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/2FcYVCAttLCTrobIOwkxsk...
VAIRĀK INFO: https://www.mdarbnica.lv BIĻETES: https://www.mdarbnica.lv/tickets
| ENG |
Make Like A Tree is the quintessence of travels expressed in music and photography created by Sergey Onischenko - an artist from Ukraine who is touring around the world and spreading his indie-folk tunes with a touch of non-conformism and Beat Generation ideas while also exhibiting his minimalistic landscape photography taken in the omnifarious places where his journeys take him. The soundscapes of Make Like A Tree will bring you to the inner world of nature, to the woods, the mountains and the songs of whales on the bottom of the ocean.
Youtube: https://www.Youtube.Com/makelikeatree Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/2FcYVCAttLCTrobIOwkxsk...
MORE INFO: https://www.mdarbnica.lv TICKETS: https://www.mdarbnica.lv/tickets