piektd., 21. apr.
LATE NIGHT JAM is back! An evening for night lovers and free spirits! The creative spirit of the concert will be lifted by musicians who let fly without tiring.
Time & Location
2023. g. 21. apr. 22:00
Rīga, Aristida Briāna iela 9, Centra rajons, Rīga, LV-1001, Latvia
About the Event
LATE NIGHT JAM atgriežas! Vakars nakts baudītājiem un brīvam garam! Koncerta radošo garu pacels mūziķi, kuri nepagursotot ļaujas lidojumam. Late night jam sesijā izpildīs rock, rock funk, indie, pop, pazīstamus un mazāk pazīstamus skaņdarbus, kurus, kā paši stāsta apglezno ar pilnīgu mīlestību, vienojoties spēcīgakai mijiedarbībai un interpetācijai.
Vokāls -Justs Sirmais Ģitāra - Ralfs Brieze Ģitāra - Dominiks Jarmakovičs Bungas - Rūdolfs Daņiļēvičs Bass - Jānis Polis
*Biļetes: https://www.mdarbnica.lv/tickets Vairāk info: www.mdarbnica.lv
Esam atvērti no 18:00 | Koncerts 22:00
| ENG |
LATE NIGHT JAM is back! An evening for night lovers and free spirits! The creative spirit of the concert will be lifted by musicians who let fly without tiring. Late-night jam sessions will perform rock, rock funk, indie, pop, and well-known and less-known pieces, which, as they say, themselves, are painted with unconditional love, uniting for a stronger interaction and interpretation.
Vocals -Justs Sirmais Guitar - Ralfs Brieze Guitar - Dominik Jarmakovičs Drums - Rūdolfs Daņiļēvičs Bass - Jānis Polis
* Tickets: https://www.mdarbnica.lv/tickets More information: www.mdarbnica.lv
We are open from 18:00 | Concert starts at 22:00