ceturtd., 20. jūl.
Kārļa Auziņa Trio feat. Constantin Krahmer
Melodic, conceptual rhythms and shapes, Scandinavian moods, energetic passages and meditation are just a few elements of the musical palette of this union, where every note and melodic phrase is a brush stroke in the overall sound painting that the musicians create together.
Time & Location
2023. g. 20. jūl. 21:00
Rīga, Aristida Briāna iela 9, Centra rajons, Rīga, LV-1001, Latvia
About the Event
Constantin Krahmer - klavieres Kārlis Auziņš - saksofoni Edvīns Ozols - kontrabass Kaspars Kurdeko - bungas
Melodiskums, konceptuāli ritmi un formas, Skandināvijas noskaņas, enerģētiskas pasāžas un meditācija ir tikai nedaudzi elementi no šīs apvienības muzikālo krāsu paletes, kur katra nots un melodijas frāze ir otas triepiens kopējā skaņu gleznā, ko mūziķi kopā rada par pamatu tai izmantojot Kārļa un Konstantīna oriģinālkompozīcijas.
Constantin Krahmer no 2006. līdz 2011. gadam studēja džeza klavieres Ķelnes HfMT. Viņš spēlē taustiņinstrumentus un komponē, galvenokārt savai grupai Close Up, klavieru trio kopā ar Tomasu Morganu un Leifu Bergeru un kolektīvam Offshore. Offshore piedalījās Burghauzenes džeza konkursa finālā un spēlēja vairākos džeza festivālos, piemēram, WDR Jazzfest Cologne, Achtbrücken Festival, Jazzfestival Saarbrücken. Viņa trio debijas albums klajā nāks 2024. gada martā izdevniecības Yew Records paspārnē.
| ENG |
Constantin Krahmer - piano Karlis Auziņš - saxophones Edvīns Ozols - double bass Kaspars Kurdeko - drums
Melodic, conceptual rhythms and shapes, Scandinavian moods, energetic passages and meditation are just a few elements of the musical palette of this union, where every note and melodic phrase is a brush stroke in the overall sound painting that the musicians create together using Kārlis and Constantin's original compositions as a basis.
Constantin Krahmer studied jazz piano at the HfMT in Cologne from 2006 to 2011. He plays keyboards and composes, mainly for his band Close Up, a piano trio with Thomas Morgan and Leif Berger and the collective Offshore. Offshore was a finalist in the Burghausen Jazz Competition and played at several jazz festivals such as WDR Jazzfest Cologne, Achtbrücken Festival, Jazzfestival Saarbrücken. His trio's debut album will be released in March 2024 on Yew Records.