svētd., 14. maijs
A brand new cine-concert with a special soundtrack composed by the psychedelic-synth-pop duo K not K for the silent film “L’Inhumaine” (de Marcel Herbier, 1924) - retro-futurisme, sci-fi, French avant-garde.
Time & Location
2023. g. 14. maijs 19:00
Rīga, Aristida Briāna iela 9, Centra rajons, Rīga, LV-1001, Latvia
About the Event
14. maijā, no plkst. 19:00 aicinām uz neaizmirstamu piedzīvojumu - elektroniskās mūzikas dueta K not K kino koncertu filmai "L'Inhumaine" (rež. Marsels Herbjē, 1924), franču avangardam piederošai retro-futūrisma, zinātniskās fantastikas filmai.
Tīzeris: https://vimeo.com/392177419
K not K (Karpov not Kasparov) ir pazīstami ar saviem dzīvajiem koncertiem visā Eiropā (viņi ir spēlējuši 40 no 44 Eiropas valstīm), kā arī ar seriālu avangarda kinokoncerti. Drīzumā Londonas izdevniecībā Disco Halal / Warner Music tiks izdots jauns albums K not K.
Vairāk par māksliniekiem: https://knotk.com/live
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/k.not.k/ Bandcamp: https://karpovnotkasparov.bandcamp.com/ Spotify: shorturl.at/rszQU Apple Music: shorturl.at/bkyBV
*Informācija par biļetēm sekos... Vairāk info: www.mdarbnica.lv
| ENG |
A brand new cine-concert with a special soundtrack composed by the psychedelic-synth-pop duo K not K for the silent film “L’Inhumaine” (de Marcel Herbier, 1924) - retro-futurisme, sci-fi, French avant-garde.
Peview: https://vimeo.com/392177419
K not K ( a k a Karpov not Kasparov) are known for their live concerts across Europe (they played in 40 out of 44 countries on our continent) but they are also appreciated for their avant-garde cine-concert series.
A new K not K album will be released soon with the UK label Disco Halal / Warner Music.
All info: https://knotk.com/live
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/k.not.k/ Bandcamp: https://karpovnotkasparov.bandcamp.com/ Spotify: shorturl.at/rszQU Apple Music: shorturl.at/bkyBV
*Information about tickets will follow... More info: www.mdarbnica.lv